უსმინე პირდაპირ ეთერს

მაიკლ ჯექსონის შვილის კონტროლი შეუძებელი ხდება – ინტერნეტით ახალი ფოტოები გავრცელდა


მაიკლ ჯექსონის ქალიშვილი, პერიზი მეურვეებს – ბებიასა და ბაბუას ყოველ დღე სასტიკად აბრაზებს, ამჯერად ინტერნეტში 17 წლის პერიზის ფოტოები გავრცელდა, სადაც გოგონა სიგარეტს ეწევა. ბებია და ბაბუა, კეტრინ და ჯო ჯექსონები მოწევის  სასტიკი წინააღმდეგები არიან. ისინი, ასევე, არ აძლევენ ნებას პერიზს, ტატუ გაიკეთოს.

ამის მიუხედავად, ჭირვეული გოგონა პაპარაცებმა რამდენიმე დღის წინ დიდი ზომის ტატუთი დააფიქსირეს, თუმცა აღმოჩნდა, რომ ტატუ ერთჯერადი იყო.13

*EXCLUSIVE* Los Angeles, CA - Paris Jackson is seen smoking a cigarette and having an animated conversation with a bodyguard while out in L.A. The 17 year old was recently spotted with a dragon ÒtattooÕÕ her right arm leading to speculation that she had gotten the ink without permission and that her family was upset about it. As these images show, it was nothing more than a temporary tattoo or henna. The faint outline of the design can still be seen on her arm. Paris stopped for some snacks at the Corner Bakery and Starbucks and kept her look casual in printed pants and a cropped top, shades and sandals.     AKM-GSI       February 10, 2016 To License These Photos, Please Contact : Steve Ginsburg (310) 505-8447 (323) 423-9397 or Maria Buda (917) 242-1505

*EXCLUSIVE* Los Angeles, CA - Paris Jackson is seen smoking a cigarette and having an animated conversation with a bodyguard while out in L.A. The 17 year old was recently spotted with a dragon “tattoo’’ her right arm leading to speculation that she had gotten the ink without permission and that her family was upset about it. As these images show, it was nothing more than a temporary tattoo or henna. The faint outline of the design can still be seen on her arm. Paris stopped for some snacks at the Corner Bakery and Starbucks and kept her look casual in printed pants and a cropped top, shades and sandals.     AKM-GSI       February 10, 2016 To License These Photos, Please Contact : Steve Ginsburg (310) 505-8447 (323) 423-9397 or Maria Buda (917) 242-1505

*EXCLUSIVE* Los Angeles, CA - Paris Jackson is seen smoking a cigarette and having an animated conversation with a bodyguard while out in L.A. The 17 year old was recently spotted with a dragon “tattoo’’ her right arm leading to speculation that she had gotten the ink without permission and that her family was upset about it. As these images show, it was nothing more than a temporary tattoo or henna. The faint outline of the design can still be seen on her arm. Paris stopped for some snacks at the Corner Bakery and Starbucks and kept her look casual in printed pants and a cropped top, shades and sandals.     AKM-GSI       February 10, 2016 To License These Photos, Please Contact : Steve Ginsburg (310) 505-8447 (323) 423-9397 or Maria Buda (917) 242-1505

*EXCLUSIVE* Los Angeles, CA - Paris Jackson is seen smoking a cigarette and having an animated conversation with a bodyguard while out in L.A. The 17 year old was recently spotted with a dragon “tattoo’’ her right arm leading to speculation that she had gotten the ink without permission and that her family was upset about it. As these images show, it was nothing more than a temporary tattoo or henna. The faint outline of the design can still be seen on her arm. Paris stopped for some snacks at the Corner Bakery and Starbucks and kept her look casual in printed pants and a cropped top, shades and sandals.     AKM-GSI       February 10, 2016 To License These Photos, Please Contact : Steve Ginsburg (310) 505-8447 (323) 423-9397 or Maria Buda (917) 242-1505

*EXCLUSIVE* Los Angeles, CA - Paris Jackson is seen smoking a cigarette and having an animated conversation with a bodyguard while out in L.A. The 17 year old was recently spotted with a dragon “tattoo’’ her right arm leading to speculation that she had gotten the ink without permission and that her family was upset about it. As these images show, it was nothing more than a temporary tattoo or henna. The faint outline of the design can still be seen on her arm. Paris stopped for some snacks at the Corner Bakery and Starbucks and kept her look casual in printed pants and a cropped top, shades and sandals.     AKM-GSI       February 10, 2016 To License These Photos, Please Contact : Steve Ginsburg (310) 505-8447 (323) 423-9397 or Maria Buda (917) 242-1505

ტაბლოიდები წერენ, რომ პერიზი ძალიან ბევრს ეწევა. ამასთან, გოგონა სისტემატურად ესწრება ანონიმ ალკოჰოლიკთა შეხვედრებს, რაც ჯოსა და კეტრინს კიდევ უფრო მეტად ანერვიულებს.

„ოჯახი პერიზის ქცევების გამო ძალიან ნერვიულობს, თუმცა მოწევას აღარ უშლიან, რადგან მიიჩნევენ, რომ აკრძალვა მათსა და გოგონას შორის კიდევ უფრო მეტ დისტანციას გააჩენს,“ – ამბობს ტაბლოიდების წყარო.



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