უსმინე პირდაპირ ეთერს

სერენა უილიამსმა ძაღლის საკვები შეჭამა



სერენა უილიამსმა არც მეტი, არც ნაკლები… ძაღლის საკვები შეჭამა.

ჩოგბურთელმა, რომელმაც შარშან უიმბლდონზე მეექვსედ მოიპოვა გამარჯვება, სოციალურ ქსელში დაწერა, რომ ძალიან აინტერესებდა, როგორი გემო ჰქონდა მისი საყვარელი ძაღლის საჭმელს.

სერენამ ორაგულითა და ბრინჯით მომზადებული საკვები აარჩია, თეფშზე გადმოიღო და რამდენიმე ლუკმა შეჭამა.

„უცნაური გემო ჰქონდა, არ მგონია, ადამიანებისთვის ამისი ჭამა შეიძლებოდეს,“ – დაწერა სერენამ.

ჩოგბურთელმა მოგვიანებით თავი შეუძლოდ იგრძნო, თუმცა, როგორც ჩანს, სერიოზული არაფერი ყოფილა, რადგან მას სამედიცინო ჩარევა არ დასჭირვებია.

****Ruckas Videograbs****  (01322) 861777 *IMPORTANT* Please credit Snapchat/Serena Williams for this picture. 12/05/16 Grabs from footage posted on Snapchat of Serena Williams looking and feeling unwell after she told a story about how she just ate some dog food. The tennis player showed her followers a gourmet dog menu which was provided for her at her hotel in Rome, Italy, and said that the dinner's actually look really nice - so much so that she decided to take a mouthful of a dish containing salmon and rice. After two hours, she began to feel sick and documented that she needed to run to the toilet and felt like she is going to pass out. As she spoke to the camera, she was visbly feeling more and more unwell but joked that she will look svelte on the tennis court for upcoming match. Office  (UK)  : 01322 861777 Mobile (UK)  : 07742 164 106 **IMPORTANT - PLEASE READ** The video grabs supplied by Ruckas Pictures always remain the copyright of the programme makers, we provide a service to purely capture and supply the images to the client, securing the copyright of the images will always remain the responsibility of the publisher at all times. Standard terms, conditions & minimum fees apply to our videograbs unless varied by agreement prior to publication.

****Ruckas Videograbs****  (01322) 861777 *IMPORTANT* Please credit Snapchat/Serena Williams for this picture. 12/05/16 Grabs from footage posted on Snapchat of Serena Williams looking and feeling unwell after she told a story about how she just ate some dog food. The tennis player showed her followers a gourmet dog menu which was provided for her at her hotel in Rome, Italy, and said that the dinner's actually look really nice - so much so that she decided to take a mouthful of a dish containing salmon and rice. After two hours, she began to feel sick and documented that she needed to run to the toilet and felt like she is going to pass out. As she spoke to the camera, she was visbly feeling more and more unwell but joked that she will look svelte on the tennis court for upcoming match. Office  (UK)  : 01322 861777 Mobile (UK)  : 07742 164 106 **IMPORTANT - PLEASE READ** The video grabs supplied by Ruckas Pictures always remain the copyright of the programme makers, we provide a service to purely capture and supply the images to the client, securing the copyright of the images will always remain the responsibility of the publisher at all times. Standard terms, conditions & minimum fees apply to our videograbs unless varied by agreement prior to publication.



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